Monday, April 15, 2013

Tennis Update: April 15, 2013

So the winnings for early-round losers in the French Open is increased 25% this year. That's great news! It's good that people who aren't winning 5-6 rounds in grandslams are still getting money because tennis is such an expensive professional job. Most players who aren't top 50 in the world barely can pay for hotel rooms and plane tickets. It's a hard life. So you have to understand that the people who play, but struggle for their living really love the sport. They could easily just take a normal job like most people, but they choose to train and make sacrifices to play a game that makes them a little money.
Speaking of clay tournaments (sorta), the Monte Carlo tournament is this week for the men. Djokovic and Nadal are still unsure about it due to injuries. Djokovic has an injured ankle while Nadal's ongoing knee injury is posing problems.
I just wanted to say that the red clay is my favorite surface to watch. Players can slide with such ease, it's jealousy-invoking. I just want to roll around in that clay. Like that's weird, but it just looks so soft and fluffy. Whatever.

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